What are you thankful for?- administration weighs in
November 29, 2021
Ready or not, it’s that time of year again. The days seem shorter, the cold air slowly starting to blast through, and the smell of pumpkin spice and hot chocolate overshadows any other scent of the traditional scorching weather.
Thanksgiving, which starts off the holiday season, was this past Thursday. That meant time to put on a sweater, enjoy some festive food, and watch some football while being thankful for some things this year. Unlike last year with COVID-19 overshadowing most of the annual festivities, this year is thought to be only a sign moving forward.
The Pep reached out to some of the faculty and staff of Central Catholic, to simply ask what they’re thankful for. Here are the responses we received:
Luke Hoenigman: Religion teacher
“This year, talking about being thankful takes on a whole new meaning. While teaching online, the energy that makes Central Catholic what it is was painfully absent. This year, I am thankful for Central Catholic’s noisy hallways. I am thankful for a few minutes in the work room to vent my stresses with a colleague while making copies. I am grateful for students eating breakfast tacos in the cafeteria before school and shooting hoops in the quad after school. I appreciate, more than ever, the roar of the classroom when a well thrown wad of paper lands perfectly in the trash can. I am grateful for the Brotherhood and the many ways it manifests every day at Central Catholic.”
Fabiola Mendez: Foreign Language Department Chair
“I’m thankful for our family’s health, job security, and for the opportunity to make a difference everyday. I thank God everyday for all my undeserved blessings and a new day of life!”
Jennifer Purcell: Counselor (students L-Z)
“I know the usual answers are Jesus dying for our sins, my family, my friends, health, etc. I am very thankful for those things, but I am also thankful for Central Catholic High School. I am thankful that I can talk about Jesus everyday in my job and pray for staff and students without fearing that I might get reprimanded by my employer. I love talking about college and career and I get to do that everyday with students.”
Charles Delgado: Social Studies Department Chair
“I am thankful for the opportunity that I have to teach at Central Catholic and for the young men I get to teach everyday. As a male without a family of my own, my life gains fulfillment and meaning from the work I do and the people I interact with at Central Catholic.”
Ali Goljahmofrad: Dean of Students
“I am thankful to work in a place with staff and students that I look forward to being with on a daily basis. It’s a blessing I do not take for granted.”
Thank you to all the administrators who responded to this question. What are you thankful for this year? Let us know in the comments down below the article! We at the Pep want to wish all our readers a safe, happy, and festive Thanksgiving.