Mr. G Embraces Third Year as Dean
October 19, 2021
The commonly known phrase is that “the third time’s the charm”. This is certainly the case for Ali Goljahmofrad as this is the start of his third year at Central Catholic as the Dean of Students. Commonly referred to as Mr. G, he has yet to experience a year that hasn’t been impacted by COVID-19; despite that, he explains that this year is the first year where he truly feels like he owns his role at the school and knows the community’s expectations.
When asked about his expectations, Mr. G mentions that he entered with a different approach than what one would typically expect. “I came in with the mindset of observing, gathering information and then acting accordingly,” he claims.
Growing up, faith never played a major role in Mr. G’s family, yet this drastically changed as he started at Central. His favorite Bible verse is from Ecclesiastes 9:11,”The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong. Nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all.” He claims it helps him with his perspective on life. He states that Central Catholic has reintroduced him to the faithful element of life, and how it is able to positively impact his life such as starting and finishing events with prayers.
When asked about his favorite experience at Central, he did not waste a second and immediately answered, “The obvious answer is the boys and the constant interaction with them.” In addition to that, he repeatedly stated that he is genuinely excited to come to work everyday.
Mr. G’s ambition for the future is to get everyone in the community to understand what Central Catholic and “The Brotherhood ” can do for them. Furthermore, when questioned about a personal goal he quickly responded saying, “One day after learning from people like Dr. Hernandez, Mr. Ybarra, Mr. Longoria, Ms. Mora, I’ll be fit to become the principal.”
Mr. G has definitely endured challenges in the few years he’s been here, but continues to work hard everyday at the school he loves. Mr. G will be completing his third year as Dean of Students after the 2021-2022 school year.