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Texas arctic blast 2021: electricity is scarce
February 18, 2021
If you’re reading this, likely, you are some of the few that have either charged their electronic devices at the right time, or actually have electricity in their homes at this time. Likewise, I am in your boat. Power from the lines have been coming off and on occasionally, almost unpredictably. In the times that the lines do survive, my family and I have been charging cellphones, along with other devices that might be needed for a long period of time. Many are attempting to boil or heat water and heat food if possible, as many are trying to do at those moments. Blankets have also become essential in staying warm, as people are relying on heater systems that aren’t working due to a lack of electricity, to keep them warm. Some have reported to have even lost cellular service completely, and can’t get a hold of anyone at all.
The Pep’s Advisor, Tim Cassler, has also been enduring the same situation at his home. In the last installment of the winter weather coverage, he said, “We pulled a few candles together, layered our clothing, and right about the time it got down to about 60 degrees in the house, the power came back on. It made me appreciate some of the things we tend to take for granted, like electricity, gas, and internet. I’m thankful that we do not have to deal with this type of weather on a yearly basis.”
As well as that, snow is falling for the second time this week in South Texas. Definitely a historic moment for San Antonio and the surrounding area.
There are some events to consider since the last time the Pep has published any information about the blast. To start, Central Catholic High School has called for asynchronous learning the last two days of the school week. Many teachers have posted new assignments as of Thursday and were advised to give students the weekend at max to complete. As this storm continues to move on,
Principal Stephen Walswick via Aeries Communication System, has sent out a message last night informing the community about the situation. He says that, “Teachers will work with students who may be in situations where power or internet access is not restored. These assignments are intended to help the student in the course as we approach the end of the quarter, and not to hurt their grade.”
I also got a hold of Principal Walswick via email. He has been without power for a long time as well, and is likewise enduring the challenge. “This week has really made us count our blessings,” Walswick says. “We like many residents have had their power out more than it has been on. The most challenging obstacles are cooking and heating. We have both an electric stove and oven. When the power is out the house has dipped below 50 degrees. We have a 4-person tent that we erected in the family room which has kept the kids warm and entertained. Other than that, we just have layers lots of layers. When the power does come on we bake some bread, and heat some soup. Other than that, we have gotten by with fruit, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches,” he says.
Walswick also says that faith is key at the moment, saying, “We go to bed earlier and say the Rosary by candlelight. We have a few flashlights so we are good there. We have really tries to embrace the notion of adaption and change.”Walswick also shared the story of that notion, and how he has been helping his out-of-town neighbors. “Our neighbors left town last week and were supposed to come home on Monday but that was obviously cancelled. I have spent some time this week winterizing their pipes and take care of their house during their longer than expected absence.” He continues, “During these extreme experiences we really need to help out and rely on each other to get through it as best we can.”