JROTC skills teams shine at competitive contests

Demitri Garcia, Staff Writer

JROTC’s most committed and skilled teams have been competing and training since the summer to place 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in skills meets in and around the San Antonio area. These teams practice everyday before and after school an hour for every category, and include The Machine (drill team), The Bordelon Rifles, and JLAB. A few of their recent hard earned accomplishments include, but are not limited to:

The Machine:

  • Overall 3rd – Wagner
  • Regulation 3rd – Wagner
  • Exhibition 3rd – Wagner
  • Inspection 1st – Somerset
  • Exhibition 2nd – Somerset
  • Inspection 1st – Reagan 


  • 1st- Somerset
  • 1st Wagner 

Bordelon Rifles: 

  • Sporter 2nd – Somerset
  • Precision 3rd – Somerset

Color Guard XO Caroline Medina of Providence High School stated that the teams “…move as one… (and) have a mentality that (they) are all one team…”. Both of these teams are under Master Sergeant Robles’ tutelage, and he has, in the past three and a half years, greatly improved the success of the teams as noted by Medina, who is a four year color guard member. She shared that “Before my freshman year, we didn’t really get trophies…we realized how much we can help the other drill team…and move as one.” These teams compete to be the physical manifestation of military professionalism; they all act as one under the greater efficiency of acting as one. This is much to ask for high school students, but according to Andres Guzman, CO of the Chaminade Guard: “We have a community behind us.” 

This team does not operate independently of itself; it is an embodiment of the Central Catholic community. Currently students, staff, and alumni are all in the process of making the Machine an effective unit; the team participates in the 5th Brigade 5 state network. The Machine alone does not achieve these results themselves. In order to compete and earn success in large statewide and national competitions, the whole Central Catholic community is involved. Not only the competing Chaminade Guard team, but also student logistical volunteers, alumni networks, several army instructors, and the senior army instructor all involve themselves to secure success for the professional image of Central Catholic’s JROTC program and its cadets.  

 The Machine competes at the most professional level. Anticipating a repeat of many years prior, the team will earn many marks of excellence. The team will earn a sponsorship of over $10,000 to go to Richmond, Virginia for Army Nationals Competition. When asked about this challenge, Andres Guzman characterized the the competition as “It’s pretty much times eight of fifth brigade. It’s a lot more intense, you have people from all over the United States…at this one place.” Out of this event, the Chaminade Guard placed 6th last year out of roughly 214 competing schools. To put that in perspective, this team lies in the top 15% percentile among the entire nation.

The Machine and all other teams do their best to master discipline. This community endeavor is the best example of tradition withstanding in Central Catholic.