JROTC holds 88th Annual Military Ball
March 11, 2019
JROTC’s annual Military Ball was held this year on March 2, at the El Tropicano Hotel Ballroom, and thanks to the cadets in charge of the organization and logistics of the event, it was another huge success.
The following cadets served as the Committee Chairs for this year’s event:
Cadet William Dotin – Chairman
Cadet Alfredo Gonzalez – Chairman
Cadet William Dotin – Invitations
Cadet Jaime Torres – Invitations
Cadet Alfredo Gonzalez – Ticket Sales
Cadet John Herrera – Ticket Sales
Cadet Jaime Torres – Senior Biographies
Cadet Andres Guzman – Table of the Fallen Soldier
Cadet John Herrera – Guest List
Cadet William Dotin – Program
Cadet Alfredo Gonzalez – Timeline
Guest speaker for the military ball was Major General Tony Cucolo, US Army Retired. He currently serves within the University of Texas System as Associate Vice Chancellor. MG (Ret) Cucolo completed more than 35 years of service in the United States Army on September 1st, 2014. Serving as a General Officer in the last eleven years of his career, he developed a remarkably unique portfolio of experience. In just the last decade, he led soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq, led analysis teams in combat zones and on natural disaster recovery efforts such as Hurricane Katrina, commanded the largest Army base east of the Mississippi, developed the $35B equipment program for the Army, served as the US Army’s Chief of Public Affairs, and was most recently a college president equivalent, serving as Commandant of the US Army War College. (bio from the Military Ball program)
Part of the military ball agenda always includes the recognition of the Table of the Fallen Soldier. Like last year, Cadet Andres Guzman had the honor of lighting the candle on the table and guiding those in attendance through the solemn remembrance and recognition of those that have fallen, and those whom we are called to remember.
“Remember! — All those who served with them and called them comrades, who depended upon their might and aid, and relied upon them, for surely, they were not forsaken. — Remember! Remember! — Until the day they come home, — Remember!”