Annual Graphic Projects Gallery Walk held in Elizondo Center
December 22, 2017
Each year, during the 2nd Quarter, students in Mr. Cassler’s English II classes collaborate on a graphic project that is based on summer reading books that the students have the choice of reading, either Lord of the Flies, or Bless Me, Ultima. The results produced by all of the groups are quite impressive this year, to say the least!
After groups are determined, they discuss with one another which book they want to choose, then the harder task begins of determining which symbols and/or characters the group will choose to depict in their graphic image. Each group is required to use four or five symbols or characters, illustrate them in a highly visual way, then add descriptive explanations of all of the images depicted in their graphic. In addition, each project has to have a main idea, an image that will show the viewer clearly what the main idea of the graphic is. All members of each of the groups are required to contribute to the project.
When the projects were completed, they were posted on the hallway walls of the Elizondo Center second floor, and the students then had to complete a gallery walk, view and evaluate each graphic project based on a judging criteria, then vote for a first second, and third place. Votes for the projects were tabulated, and the graphic project award winners were the following groups:
1st Place with 61 votes: Group 3-3 – Lord of the Flies. Members are Darren Elizondo, Christopher Rios-Cruz, Zachary Hubert, and Jacob Ybarra.
2nd Place with 43 votes: Group 3-4 – Bless Me, Ultima. Members are Steven Carrasco, Cody Henderson, Raymond Reyes, and Karlo Villa.
3rd Place with 23 votes: Group 5-5 – Bless Me, Ultima. Members are Christopher Easterday, Isaac Gonzalez, Nicholas Montoto, and Anthony Rodriguez.
Other images from the graphic project and students participating in the gallery walk are shown below.

Mr. Cassler’s Graphic Project 1st Place award winners from left to right: Darren Elizondo, Christopher Rios-Cruz, Zachary Hubert, and Jacob Ybarra.
Mr. Cassler
Mr. Cassler
Mr. Cassler
Mr. Cassler
Mr. Cassler
Mr. Cassler
Mr. Cassler
Mr. Cassler
Mr. Cassler
Mr. Cassler
Mr. Cassler
Mr. Cassler
Mr. Cassler
Mr. Cassler
Mr. Cassler