Living Rosary is alive at Central Catholic

Mr. McCarthy, Campus Ministry Director

October in the Catholic Church is dedicated to the Holy Rosary. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI in a sermon on the rosary said, “When reciting the Rosary, the important and meaningful moments of salvation history are relived. The various steps of Christ’s mission are traced. Christ is put at the center of our life, of our time, of our city, through the contemplation and meditation of his holy mysteries of joy, light, sorrow and glory.”  To celebrate the beginning of this special time Central Catholic hosted a living rosary.

The rosary has long been a Catholic tradition that honors Mary by reflecting on the events of her life, and the life of Jesus. We as a Marianist institution have a great reverence for Mary our mother. In the Marianist charism Mary is viewed not only as the mother of Jesus, but a model of discipleship. The imitation of Mary is the quickest and easiest way to imitate her son Jesus. Upon entrance each student was given a personal rosary that was later blessed by Fr. Jim Mueller, SM, so we could all pray together as a community.

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What made this experience unique is the “living” part of the rosary. In the gym a rosary was created using 10 student representatives from each year, Marianist LIFE students, and Faculty. Reciting the rosary on the Thursday was a special time because it was the Luminous mysteries of the rosary focusing on the public ministry of Jesus. The Luminous mysteries were added by St. Pope John Paul II in 2002. St. John Paul II added these mysteries to address the gap from Jesus birth in the Joyful and Jesus death in the Sorrowful Mysteries. Each class shared a special intention for their decade of the rosary focusing on their divisional themes (Pillars, Lumos, Emmaus, and Magnificat). The faculty’s intention focused on bringing Christ to our student through the vocation of teaching. 

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Below you will find the special intentions of each class forthis year at Central Catholic. You are invited to pray the rosary this month and use our students intentions with your intentions.Freshman:

We the freshman class, pray for those of the Central Catholic family who have come before us. May their example help us form a foundation that is rooted in faith, instilled in the Marianist charism, and fosters a true understanding of community. Mary, pray for us, that we might discover in newer and deeper ways, the manner in which God is calling us to live out the dignity of our own baptismal call.


We the sophomore class, pray that we may use our gifts and talents to be the light of the world. May we recognize in ourselves and in each other the true meaning of Mary’s words “Do whatever He tells you.” Mary, you were with Jesus at the beginning of his ministry. Be with us, today and everyday, so that we might grow in a deeper appreciation of all we have been given and all we are called to do.


We the junior class pray, that throughout our journey of faith we are able to share Christ with all whom we encounter. Mary, assist us in answering your son Jesus’ call to leave the “nets” of our time and follow him. Help guide and support us on our journey so that we may spread the good news of salvation, to all people those we know and love, to the acquaintances and strangers, and to our friends and enemies.


We the senior class pray to be transformed so that we become “yes-sayers” like Mary and bring Christ to the world for others. Mary, we pray that we might see your Son more clearly and love Him more dearly. Help us to live our lives in virtue and holiness. Through the Holy Spirit, may Christ transfigure and transform us more and more into His image and as His instruments in this world.


We the faculty and staff of Central Catholic High School, pray that we may use teaching as a means to complete our mission of educating in faith and multiplying Christians. Mary, we pray that we might remember that imitating you is the quickest and easiest way to imitate your Son Jesus Christ. Also let us share with everyone “that the spirit of the Marianist is the spirit of Mary.”